Two Simple Questions I Ask Myself to Course Correct

Justin Chen
4 min readAug 6, 2021

So simple, but so powerful…

Photo by Dariusz Sankowski on Unsplash

It is only in more recent times I’ve become comfortable asking for help. I wish I got comfortable doing this way earlier. It would’ve saved me from making so many unnecessary mistakes, losing valuable time, and prevented self-inflicted pain and frustration.

I used to think I had to figure everything out by myself. I had too much pride, too much shame, and not enough courage nor self-esteem to ask for help.

After years of things not working and realizing I couldn’t figure everything out on my own, I finally gave in and sought help from therapy and coaching.

Sometimes all it takes is a simple shift in mindset. Implementing a simple but powerful system can significantly change the outlook on life, and that is what is what happened to me.

My coach introduced two simple questions to ask myself every week and it has been a game changer for me. I’ve started to ask myself these two questions every morning.

The two questions are:

What am I celebrating today?


What requires my attention?

What am I celebrating today?

This is like a form of practicing gratitude, but I like how it is framed in this way. Sometimes in attempting to practice gratitude, we begin thinking too hard for things that we are grateful for and it becomes almost like a chore.

It is easy to overthink it, especially as an over-thinker like me.

Do I list an experience? A current situation? Something big? Something small? Uh…the coffee I just had? That I’m safe? This cushion I’m sitting on? My recent smooth bowel movements?

There’s absolutely nothing wrong in practicing gratitude in this way. I still do this often to remind myself of how blessed I am.

But what I like about asking myself, “What are we celebrating today?” is that it is a clear invitation to reflect and be introspective. For me, the answers become a little more obvious

This question can be asked weekly, or even daily. What accomplishments, experiences, or wins (big or small) am I proud of?

We often take these things for granted. Waking up and stretching. Leading a productive work call. Eating a healthy lunch. Going for a walk. Reading a book to educate yourself on a topic. Approaching a difficult situation in a better way than the last time.

They may seem minuscule in the grand scheme of things, but you also have to take a step back and reflect on what those small things mean about yourself?

Why are those things worth celebrating? What does it tell you about yourself (and what you like about yourself?)

  • Waking up and stretching → wanting to take care of your body
  • Drinking water →staying hydrated and well, value health
  • Leading a productive work call → being prepared and all the work and all the learned experience leading up to that point
  • Going for a walk → being mindful and taking the time to take a break, recharge, peace
  • Reading a book → desire to learn and become smarter, growth
  • Approaching a difficult situation in a better way than the last time → growing wiser

I had struggled to really identify my true values, and what I liked about myself, and asking this question on a recurring basis (even daily in the mornings) has really grounded me and made me feel solid.

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What requires my attention?

It’s super important to note that these two questions are not mutually exclusive. You can celebrate something but it may also require your attention.

You can celebrate the progress you’ve made, and meditate on what actions you will need to take next to take yourself to where you want to be.

This question is a great starter for me to reflect on who I want to be, what I want to be doing, and most importantly how I do I want to feel?

This is the time to listen to that little voice in the back of your head. What is something that I want to do but have been putting off? Where do I want to improve but I haven’t invested any time or effort into that area?

Some examples for me are:

· Desire to create and write

· Train for the marathon I signed up for

· Take a class on online entrepreneurship

· Read books on building healthy relationships

From there, the natural next step is to create a small simple plan to bring you that much closer to where you want to be. If this is a practice you do daily, then it can be just one simple action to do that day.

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The beautiful part of these two questions, is that it is cyclical. If practiced on a recurring basis there becomes a natural progression to building yourself up and moving in the direction that you want to be going in.

When you act on what you commit to for when answering What requires my attention? It becomes something to celebrate!

Do it over and over again, and you find your path. Your values become clearer and your self confidence will only grow stronger.

That’s what has been working for me and I’ll continue to ask myself these two simple questions every morning to stay the course.

